How to seduce a Gemini

How to seduce a Gemini

Lovers par excellence of the intellectual , people of the Gemini sign value culture, puns, intelligence and mental agility, so to seduce them you must be at their level, something that could represent an interesting challenge. Word games with smart hints are a good way to start filtering with them, but there are a few more keys to keep in mind, we give them to you so that you learn how to seduce a Gemini

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Steps to follow:

In principle you should know that before you notice it, a person of the Gemini sign could be seducing you before you seduce him, they are fun and spontaneous , so when they look at you any situation is good to flirt, so you must always be vigilant


Like Aries, Geminis love strength , and they will notice you only when you are as good or better than them. The word game, double meanings and mental tricks is highly valued by this sign, if you manage to be at their level or overcome them they will not be able to avoid noticing you, thus you will have won the first point: having their attention


No to silence, communication is vital to seduce a Gemini, being informed, knowing about the latest is always important, and believe it or not it is a point that can generate excitement, so take it into account


A great way to seduce a Gemini is by giving him an adventure fee , they are attracted to get out of the routine from time to time, so a weekend getaway, a day out of town or a different plan are definitely good ways to start the act of seduction and get noticed


When the time for action arrives there is something they appreciate: spontaneity , plans sometimes work, but if you want to seduce them, do it without expecting it, any place is good for a passionate kiss and a sexual game that excites them


The pre -sex romp is an important key to fully seduce a Gemini, it is something that people of this sign fully enjoy, so it should not be overlooked

If you want to read more articles similar to How to seduce a Gemini , we recommend that you enter our category of Relationships .

  • Intelligence, communication and spontaneity are the qualities most valued by a Gemini
  • Fun can not be left out either, remember that humor is a key to seduction for any sign

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